
I grew up in a family business surrounded by contemporary art, creativity and entrepreneurship. This inspired me to walk my own path and become a versatile creative designer, mastering multiple disciplines in the field of Graphic Design and Content Creation.
Short Story
Creativity & Entrepreneurship
I have been excited about computers, graphic design, and a variety of digital media since I was little. Growing up surrounded by contemporary art, creativity, and entrepreneurship in the family business, I focused to become an enterprising Creator of digital content. My wide interest in digital media throughout the study 'Communication and Multimedia Design (CMD)' lead to mastering skills in Graphic Design, Webdesign, Video production, 3D Design, Photography, and other creative disciplines to become a versatile Designer. Excited by a variation of audiovisual productions during an internship at the LEF Future Center (Rijkswaterstaat) in 2010, I and my former partner were encouraged by our supervisors to start our own company. MediaHunch was founded in January 2011 to put our creativity widely into practice. After many challenging projects, it was time for a new adventure.
The current adventure started with MSI Europe in 2016, a world leader in gaming, content creation, business & productivity, and AIoT hardware solutions. As a member of the MSI Product Marketing EU task force, I could develop myself further in the field of business-to-consumer (B2C) Marketing. As a versatile Web and Graphic Designer, I have been able to handle a wide range of Design Requests. My role as a Designer is constantly evolving due to our team's dynamic and shifting ‘Service’ role. Besides doing Design work for global product campaigns and creating video content for Gaming and Business related products, I’m also involved in the Service role. This means the contribution of Design concepts and realization of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to guide other Graphic Designers.


As with all things in life, continually improving skills and finding new ways for Creative Problem Solving.
What I do
Abilities & Credentials
• Graphic Design - B2C & B2B, Corporate/Brand Design, Desktoppublishing (DTP), Advertising and more. • Video production - Video Editing, Motion Graphics, Camera operating • Web Design and Development - HTML 5 + CSS, Bootstrap, WordPress • 3D Design - 3D Modelling & Animation, CAD • Online/Digital marketing • Photography
What I use
Graphic Design Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Lightroom Web Design HTML5 + CSS Bootstrap (CSS Framework) Adobe Dreamweaver WordPress
Video production Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere DaVinci Resolve Sony Vegas Dataton WATCHOUT 3D Design Autodesk 3DS Max V-Ray Advanced Renderer Vectorworks (CAD, 2D/3D) Cinema 4D Adobe Dimension


Develop myself by improving skills not only as an Artist, but as a Creative Communicator to overcome challenges.
  • Personality
  • While I love working together with other professionals, 'doing most things yourself' fits my personality. Try doing everything by yourself has its downsides, but it is a strong learning method. You will fall but you will also rise. Get to know your strengths and weaknesses and keep challenging yourself without relying on others. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Ignite your creative engine and create workflows that work best for you. Learn to criticize yourself and appreciate others' criticism towards you. Learning from others is very important too, as they can give you new insights. Don't forget to have fun. Be proud and passionate. This contributes to personal growth and improves collaboration with other professionals.